BELANO Medical - The Micro­biotics Company


presse salvans

Microbiome Agent Able to Prevent Coronavirus Infections

Bio-HealthCare company BELANO medical provides infor­mation on R&D activities

Hennigsdorf b. Berlin, 9 June 2022 – A micro­biotic agent made from lactic acid bacteria could prove to be a key milestone in the fight against the corona­virus. In a research project, BELANO medical AG found that both the agent “salvans” – which it manufac­tures and distri­butes – and the medical product of the same name are able to protect somatic cells against penetration by corona proteins. This was pointed out by Professor Dr Christine Lang, professor of micro­biology at the Technical University of Berlin and BELANO medical AG’s CSO, in an interview with the “Börsen Radio Network” during the Munich Capital Market Conference.

“We have an agent against bacteria which cause inflammation of the throat. And as we took a closer look at the mechanism behind this we found that this agent binds pathogens in the same places the corona­virus relies on to enter cells”, Professor Lang explains in the interview, which is available online at In the context of a research project, the resear­chers applied both corona proteins and the agent simul­ta­ne­ously to the cells and found: “These proteins then no longer penetrated into the cells. Our salvans agent created a protective film on the cells’ surface, and the virus is no longer able to penetrate.”

One-stop scien­tific studies and product development

Earlier, Professor Lang had provided more detail on the company’s research-intensive approach. BELANO medical differs from other enter­prises in the Bio-HealthCare industry in that it conducts proprietary research and develops its own agents which are then used to produce the proprietary products sold in the company’s online store as well as in pharmacies, drugs­tores, and internet pharmacies. “In addition, we offer our unique and patented agents to business customers as a private label. This way, they are marketed both as our own products and as other brands’ private label products.”

To do so, BELANO medical in recent years expanded its coope­ration with major brand manufac­turers and drugstore franchises in Germany, Austria, and the Nether­lands. “Some of our research goes back years, and the products, which concern skincare, the micro­biome and repairing the micro­biome, are only now on the market”, Professor Lang explained in the interview.

When the issue of the costs of this research-intensive approach was brought up, Christine Lang clarified further: “We need this research. That’s our USP, that we are scien­tists, that we conduct clinical studies which demons­trate the effec­ti­veness of micro­biotic agents.” The company’s aim remained to refinance R&D expen­diture by selling both proprietary products (e.g. the “ibiotics” range of cosmetics, the medical skincare “ibiotics med”, throat lozenges “salvans” and others) as well private label series.

In addition, BELANO medical was open to investors. The proceeds from the conver­tible bond (WKN: A3H2UW, with a volume of up to 15 million euro), issued late in 2020 with a five-year maturity, had gone towards additional research and estab­li­shing a marketing system. “As a result, we achieved great success in B2B marketing last year”, said Professor Lang in the interview. This year, the company would intensify primarily its activities in marketing and direct customer commu­ni­cation (B2C).

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