BELANO Medical - The Micro­biotics Company
BELANO Medical
The Micro­biotics Company

About us

BELANO medical is an unlisted corporation. 
BELANO medical über uns
Firmensitz der BELANO Medical AG im Innova­ti­ons­forum Hennigsdorf bei Berlin. Foto: Frank Liebke
BELANO medical

The Management Board

Prof. Dr. Christine Lang

Prof. Dr. Christine Lang 


Christine Lang is a Professor of Micro­biology and Molecular Genetics at the Technical University (TU) of Berlin. In 2001, she founded the biotech­nology company Organo­ba­lance (today Novozymes Berlin GmbH) and, in 2010, Organo­ba­lance Medical AG as the prede­cessor of BELANO Medical AG. From 2012 to 2019, she was Chair­woman of the German government’s Bioeconomy Council, and since May 2019, she has been president of the Association for General and Applied Micro­biology (VAAM). She is respon­sible for research and develo­pment at BELANO Medical AG. 
Dipl. Ing.  Johannes Lang

Dipl. Ing. Johannes Lang 


Johannes Lang can look back on many years of management experience in large and medium-sized companies. On the basis of his entre­pre­neurial experience, he has success­fully assisted and built up start-up companies. He is respon­sible for the operating business of BELANO Medical AG 
BELANO medical

The supervisory board of the company:

Renke Lührs 


Dr. Isabelle Ahrens-Fath 

Henning Fahrenkamp 

Gerardo Gutierrez Fuentes 


Quality management

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