The Microbiotics Company
Stomach Care Products
Stomach complaints
Stomach complaints often come insidiously. A feeling of pressure, heartburn now and then. Often the reasons are relatively harmless, such as a sumptuous meal, stress, grief or worry.
However, persistent or recurring pain in the stomach area (functional dyspepsia, irritable stomach) can also have a serious cause and lead to gastritis, gastric ulcers or even stomach cancer.
An inflammation of the stomach mucosa, a gastritis, can be chronic. In 80% of all patients with chronic gastritis, a bacterial infection caused by the bacterium Helicobacter pylori is the cause.
Helicobacter pylori
Almost half of the world population is infected with this bacterium, often without knowing it. However, a Helicobacter pylori infection often induces chronic gastritis, possible secondary diseases are stomach ulcers and even stomach cancer.
Helicobacter pylori has the ability to survive in the hostile acid environment of the stomach. It nests in the stomach mucosa, moves around in it and causes inflammation there. Its scourges serve like a propeller for rapid locomotion.
Treatment of Helicobacter pylori infections
According to medical guidelines, triple therapy with two antibiotics and a proton pump inhibitor is currently used for Helicobacter-induced stomach disease. This often brings with it very unpleasant side effects and impairment of the patient, such as nausea, sore oral mucosa, impaired taste and diarrhoea. The use of antibiotics also leads to a massive disruption of the stomach and intestinal microbiome.
These circumstances and the increasing resistance of bacteria to antibiotics make it necessary to search for alternative therapies that preserve the microbiome of the stomach and intestine, which is important for digestive processes and health.
ventrisana®- active ingredient for the reduction of the harmful bacterium Helicobacter pylori
With ventrisana® , we have developed a medical product with a microbiotic active ingredient that acts very specifically against the inflammation-causing bacterium Helicobacter pylori. ventrisana® reliably binds the pathogenic germ and prevents it from settling into the mucosa. ventrisana® is only effective against H. pylori and leaves the beneficial bacterial world in the gastrointestinal tract untouched.
The surface of the active ingredient ventrisana® has a high contact affinity for the inflammatory Helicobacter pylori bacteria. Due to the surface structure, the active ingredient and the inflammatory germ become entangled when touching the surfaces within milliseconds. Aggregates of Helicobacter pylori with ventrisana® can be seen under the electron microscope. Helicobacter pylori are thus immobilised and masked and can no longer develop their inflammatory effect. The germ is removed from the stomach by the natural, mechanical removal of the aggregates.
The active ingredient ventrisana® is derived from a unique strain of the specifically active lactic acid bacterium Lactobacillus reuteri DSM17648. ventrisana® contains no living bacteria. Using a microbiological high-tech process, the shells of this lactic acid bacterium are enriched and stabilised by the other components.
ventrisana® is protected by patent.
ventrisana® - Microbiotic products against Helicobacter infections
Currently, a medical device to reduce the population of Helicobacter in the stomach is under development. In independent studies with Lactobacillus reuteri DSM17648 not only a reduction of the Helicobacter pylori population in the stomach, but even a complete eradication of the bacterium could be shown.
As has been proven in clinical studies, taking it relieves the symptoms of functional dyspepsia (heartburn, upper abdominal pain, constipation).
In further investigations it was shown that the reinfection rate after conventional Helicobacter triple therapy with additional reduction of germs in the oral cavity (PAR/triple) is significantly lower than with normal triple therapy.
We have developed the ventrisana® periodontal chewing gum for the reduction of the Helicobacter population in the oral cavity. This can be used as a therapeutic and preventive measure to reduce germs in the oral cavity.