BELANO Medical - The Micro­biotics Company


Continuation of business operations and implementation of an M&A process for BELANO medical AG as part of the provisional insolvency administration

Hennigsdorf b. Berlin, December 6, 2023 – On November 21, the Neuruppin Local Court appointed the Berlin lawyer Dr. Sven Kirchner as provi­sional insol­vency adminis­trator for the assets of BELANO medical AG, based in Hennigsdorf. The management continues business opera­tions without restric­tions under the super­vision of the provi­sional insol­vency adminis­trator in the insol­vency appli­cation proceedings.

An M&A (Mergers & Acqui­si­tions) process is currently being set up, as part of which investors are being sought who will become involved on February 1, 2024. “In view of the fact that interested parties have already contacted me, I am optimistic that a restruc­turing solution can be found as part of the M&A process,” explains the provi­sional insol­vency adminis­trator Sven Kirchner.

The members of the company’s Management Board, Prof. Dr. Christine Lang (CSO) and Johannes Lang (COO), explain: “In addition to the patents and products for the skin, throat, mouth and pharynx, the preser­vation of know-how is crucial for the success of a fallback solution. We are therefore very happy that the team is standing by the company even in this difficult phase and is looking to the future with us.”

BELANO medical develops and distri­butes products based on probiotic micro­or­ga­nisms. These are medical or cosmetic products that influence the inter­action between micro­or­ga­nisms (e.g. bacteria or virures) and the human body. Typical clinical pictures are neuro­der­ma­titis, psoriasis and acne, Helico­bacter pylori, periodon­titis and MRSA (so-called hospital germs).

BELANO medical has developed products for skin, throat and pharynx, and mouth as well as wound care and hygiene and markets them under the following product lines and active ingre­dient names:
ibiotics stimulans (Skin Care Products)
salvans (Pharynx and Throat Care Products)
ventrisana (Mouth and Stomach Care Products)
aureosan (Products for wound infec­tions )

Contact BELANO medical AG:
Johannes Lang
Neuen­dorf­straße 19
16761 Hennigsdorf bei Berlin

Contact provi­sional insol­vency adminis­trator:
RA Dr. Sven Kirchner
Münzel & Böhm Rechts­an­wälte, Steuer­be­rater Berlin
Hausvog­tei­platz 11
10117 Berlin

Contact M&A consultant:
Maximilian Maurer
Redwood Exchange GmbH
Isekai 1 a
20249 Hamburg

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