The Microbiotics Company
Oral Care Products
Periodontitis is a disease of the periodontium caused by bacteria. It starts with an inflammation of the gums and can end with the destruction of the periodontium with bone damage and tooth loss.
Periodontitis is triggered by a biofilm (dental plaque) consisting of various bacteria. The latter attack teeth and gums with their metabolic products. The gums become inflamed and separate from teeth. Gum pockets develop as an ideal habitat for the inflammatory bacteria.
The oral microbiome
Millions of different microorganisms live in the human mouth. These microbes form an ecosystem, the oral flora or the oral microbiome. In a healthy microbiome, the number of useful and harmful microbes is in a balanced proportion. This is known as a microbiome in balance.
A healthy microbiome protects against harmful environmental influences, fends off dangerous germs, helps with the pre-digestion of food and keeps teeth and gums healthy. If the microbiome gets out of balance, oral health is at risk, and bad breath, caries and gum inflammation (gingivitis, periodontitis) can develop.
Among the bacteria responsible for gum inflammation, Helicobacter pylori play an important role, the “stomach germ” that causes heartburn, gastritis, functional dyspepsia and ulcers. It is also present in dental plaque and gum pockets as part of the destructive biofilm. The gum pockets are also a reservoir for the stomach bacteria. A (renewed) colonisation of the stomach with the consequences of gastritis and stomach ulcers can start from there.
ventrisana®- active ingredient for the reduction of the harmful bacteria Helicobacter pylori
With ventrisana®, we have developed a microbiotic active ingredient that specifically combats the inflammation-causing bacteria Helicobacter pylori. ventrisana® reliably binds the harmful germ, removes it from the saliva and thus prevents it from settling into the mucous membrane or biofilm. ventrisana® acts specifically on H. pylori, leaving the beneficial bacteria in the oral environment untouched.
The surface of the active ingredient ventrisana® has a high contact affinity for the inflammatory Helicobacter pylori bacteria. Due to the surface structure, the active ingredient and the inflammatory germ become entangled when touching the surfaces within milliseconds. Aggregates of Helicobacter pylori with ventrisana® can be seen under the electron microscope. Helicobacter pylori are thus immobilised and masked and can no longer develop their inflammatory effect. The germ is removed by the mechanical removal of the aggregates with the saliva flow.
The active ingredient ventrisana® is derived from a unique and patented strain of the lactic acid bacteria Lactobacillus reuteri DSM17648. The shells of these lactic acid bacteria are enriched and stabilised by a microbiological high-tech process.
ventrisana® is protected by patent.
ventrisana® - Periodontal chewing gum
ventrisana® periodontal chewing gums are certified as medical devices. They reduce the colonisation of plaque, gums and gum pockets with the Helicobacter pylori bacteria by the passive formation of aggregates and rinsing by increased saliva formation.
ventrisana® periodontal chewing gums support the prevention of chronic gum inflammation (gingivitis) and periodontitis.
The symptoms of the disease include reddened, swollen and bleeding gums when brushing the teeth and the inflammatory deepening of the gum pockets.
ventrisana® periodontal chewing gums contain the patented active ingredient Lactobacillus reuteri DSM17648.