BELANO Medical - The Micro­biotics Company


presse nupure

BELANO medical delivers Medical Skin Care for nupure probaderm

Expanding inter­na­tional distri­bution and intensive coope­ration with AixSwiss

Hennigsdorf b. Berlin, 24 August 2021 – The Biotech­nology pioneer BELANO medical AG is expanding inter­na­tional distri­bution for its probiotic and micro­biotic active ingre­dients and products. It took the first step this week by inten­si­fying its existing coope­ration with the Dutch company AixSwiss, which brought to market “probaderm”, a medical skin care product that resulted from research and develo­pment by BELANO medical.

The medical skin care product is based on an active ingre­dient obtained from natural lactic acid bacteria and stimu­lates the growth of healthy bacteria on the skin. This streng­thens the body’s own skin barrier and natural defences, preventing skin condi­tions. BELANO medical developed the active ingre­dient following extensive research and has proven its effec­ti­veness in numerous studies. Probaderm is suitable for adults and children above the age of 3 years, and is also recom­mended as comple­mentary care for neuro­der­ma­titis, psoriasis, eczema and other skin conditions.

AixSwiss was founded in 2015 and soon went on to develop the now estab­lished nupure brand. Its brand portfolio consists of a wide range of probiotic food supple­ments, and also includes skin care products since linking up with BELANO medical. The appli­cation focus so far is on the micro­biome in the mouth and intes­tines, as well as on the skin. An inter­na­tional team develops all products on the basis of naturally occurring active ingre­dients, according to the latest scien­tific standards. AixSwiss is headquar­tered in Kerkrade, in the Nether­lands, and markets its products through online shops and online pharmacies.

BELANO medical has already developed several bio-based medical products and brought them to market. Besides various medical skin care products, these also include salvans® throat pastilles against bacterial sore throats and colds, and ventrisana® medical chewing gum for periodontal disease and gingi­vitis. In addition to marketing its products in its own web shop and in drugs­tores and pharmacies, the company has also been incre­asing coope­ration with domestic and inter­na­tional product manufac­turers and distri­butors since 2020.

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