BELANO Medical - The Micro­biotics Company


Baby Hydro Gel Nominated as International Trend Product of 2021

Product of the “ibiotics med” range – to be presented at the Cosmoprof trade fair

Hennigsdorf b. Berlin, 6 July 2021 – On the occasion of the digital beauty and cosmetics trade fair WeCos­moprof Inter­na­tional, a team of beauty industry experts, trend resear­chers, journa­lists, stylists, and designers selected the best products from the portfolios of the 500+ exhibiting companies. One of them is the “ibiotics med”-branded Baby Hydro Gel. It is now listed in the Cosmo­Trends Report 2021 and will be showcased – together with the other selected innova­tions – at the next in-person Cosmoprof trade fair scheduled for this fall.

The Baby Hydro Gel was launched at the beginning of this year. It is available in online pharmacies, drugs­tores and chemists, and webshops. BELANO medical AG resear­chers created the product speci­fi­cally for toddlers and infants aged two months and older, since they are much more likely to suffer from dry skin, itching, or skin condi­tions such as atopic eczema. The Hydro Gel was expressly developed with the needs of sensitive baby skin in mind. It differs from conven­tional baby care products in that it does not contain fat, helping to stimulate the growth of a healthy skin micro­biome without inter­fering with the natural lipid balance of the developing baby skin.

The Hydro Gel for babies and toddlers builds on the medical skincare “ibiotics med” already available as hand cream, cleanser, skin lotion, intensive and acute care cream as well as scalp tincture. All products were designed to be natural alter­na­tives to promote healthy skin growth, and for use as a conco­mitant treatment during therapies conducted by physi­cians, derma­to­lo­gists, or non-medical practi­tioners. The organic ingre­dient speci­fi­cally stimu­lates growth of natural healthy bacteria, supporting the regene­ration and stabi­liz­ation of a healthy skin flora.

In order to strengthen the skin barrier of infants and toddlers once they show first signs of atopic eczema and dry skin, or to mitigate the suffering of children who already have atopic eczema, treatment should be begin as early as possible. Baby Hydro Gel can be used for babies aged two months and older.

With more 3,000 exhibitors and over 250,000 trade visitors, Cosmoprof Worldwide Bologna is the global reference event for the beauty and cosmetic industry. On account of the Corona pandemic, it was postponed by one year to March 2022. As a substitute, the digital trade fair WeCos­moprof was held in June with more than 500 exhibitors (

About BELANO medical AG:
BELANO medical AG is a biotech­nology company which leverages the findings of its research into beneficial micro­or­ga­nisms for pharmaceu­tical and care products. The company develops and launches novel approaches to medical skin care, disease prevention, and the support of healing processes with the aim of creating new thera­peutic options for diseases and indica­tions which currently cannot be treated satis­fac­torily. BELANO’s mission is to make its patented agents and products available to everyone. To do so, the company relies on national and inter­na­tional colla­bo­ra­tions with distri­butors and larger partners such as Henkel AG or the Müller chain of retail stores.

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